That's the Aloft Conn you see up on top. The second pic was taken in the bridge - a very large, busy station when the ship is docking or leaving port. You can get a small sense of the "functionality rather than beauty" issue here too - see the way all of the wires are showing in the ceiling area.

It was like this in ALL areas of the shp, including bedrooms.

We were not allowed to sit in the Captain's chair on the right, but the XO's chair on the left was up for grabs (there's no other seating on the bridge). Mike says he's positive I am the only person ever to crochet on the bridge! I go crazy just sitting or standing around for hours on end, so I took extracurricular materials :). There are windows around the whole bridge, so many times we hung around up there and visited and watched the views. We were hoping for some great views of wildlife, but were disappointed. Mark saw a school of porpoises one time, but they were gone by the time I got out there.

Mike was promoted to Lieutenant while we were on board. He asked us to be a part of his little ceremony, so we got to pin some of his bars on.

Thursday we had a big roasted pig party on the flight deck (this is where the helo's land and are housed). We had great weather (not much wind and no rain) so it was perfect!